Viejas refrescantes palabras del jefe Seattle

Discurso del jefe indígena Seattle, descendiente de las tribus Duwamish y Suquamish, del noroeste pacífico de lo que hoy componen los Estados Unidos de América, al entonces presidente en 1854.

Escúchalo: Viejas refrescantes palabras del jefe Seattle

1 comentario

  1. This is great. Thanks for posting this.

    I want to get in touch with Ricardo Ibarra. I live in Guadalajara, but am back home here in the Bay Area. I’m friends with Cristian Uribe and his wife Marcela. I’m hoping to ask Ricardo some questions. Can we do coffee on Friday morning or early afternoon or Saturday or when? I’m in med school in GDL and want to get back here and work with Latinos and Native Americans and want to get an idea where these folks are and what is needed – that sort of thing. Thanks! I hope this gets to him……

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